Mini experiments

Do you ever have days when you sit down to write and you realize you don’t know what to write about? I know this is part of the process of developing my writing skills, but still, it can be a bit frustrating. I would like to think that I have a lot to talk about. At least in my own head, there’s tons of topics I would like to discuss but what I find is that I have a hard time putting them down on paper. I’m curious if its because I don’t fully understand the topic or if its a matter of this unfamiliar medium of transferring thoughts to paper that holds me back from expressing myself. I think verbally I would be able to talk through my ideas, so maybe that is what I need to start doing, record my notes and then transcribe them and edit before I post.

There is a mini experiment I have been thinking about playing around with which I’ll call “flow writing.” I don’t really have a have a set topic in mind, I just sit down and brain dump and aim to write out 1-2 pages. Not sure how that will work out, but I’ve heard of other people doing it as a way to clear their minds. I think just the act of continuous writing and not worrying so much about the actual content could be a beneficial daily practice.

I will say that now after just going with the flow, I feel less stress of trying to think of something good to write about and feel that this is me being more authentic. I am not a writer, I am not a blogger, I am not a philosopher, I am someone who is merely trying to push myself outside my comfort zone to grow as an individual. The quicker I can pull off the bandaid and take action the better. I will say that the more I play around with these mini experiments, the more confident I become in my own abilities. I’m sure I will fail and make mistakes, but I will learn and grow. I wonder how many other people could benefit from doing these mini experiments on a day to day basis? How much impact could that have in a person’s life? I can’t answer that question, it’s something that must come from each individual’s desire to become the best versions of themselves.