Time well spent

I’ve been in a funk. Not exactly sure why, but it’s something I am trying to work through. More times that not, what I’ve noticed is that when I get this way I tend to pull back and focus on myself. In the past, after a few days, the funk passes. But, I wonder if I should be focusing on the opposite… surround myself with others and make more of an effort to help those around me. Would this create the shift needed for the head change? I’m not sure, but something I have been thinking a lot about lately is doing more charity work or volunteering for a good cause. It could be linked to feeling that the more you give, the more you get, or it’s simply about contributing for something that’s bigger than yourself. I think the last charity work I did was help build a house down in Mexico about 8 years ago. When I look at how much time is spent focusing on ourselves and then think about how much time we WASTE doing mindless tasks, I wonder how much time could be spent doing meaningful work to help others. This will definitely be something I will look into and plan out over the next few weeks.