Finding Flow
Posted by Taylor Johnson on Jun 7, 2017 in General | Comments Off on Finding FlowToday is my second day of the Flow Genome Project, Flow Fundamentals course. So far, I find it interesting… nothing revolutionary at this point, but then again it’s only week 1 of a 6-week course. What I like about the format is its weaving more efficient habits into the fabric of my daily routine. Some of the habits I was already doing such as drinking water upon waking up, morning exercise, gratitude, and blocking of my “flow time.” What I appreciate about the program thus far is the videos released each day that gives the scientific background for each daily lesson and how it all ties into the bigger picture. For the most part, I can see the efficiency models they are putting in place along with some essentialism practices being really useful moving forward. Prior to taking this course, I’ve been diving into researching positive psychology and flow states. A great book to check out is Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Super interesting read about finding flow and creating an optimal experience.
In today’s exercise, we had to recall moments of flow from our childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The last 2 were fairly easy, but the childhood part I had to really think about. After settling in on a few moments I realized that Flow occurs daily in our lives and we might not even realize it. By digging deeper into our own psychology, and understanding more of what makes us tick, I do believe that we can gain the understanding to better create and maintain states of flow to allow us to be more productive but more importantly, find what makes us truly happy. Which I believe for most is missing.