Looking inward
Posted by Taylor Johnson on Jun 23, 2017 in General | Comments Off on Looking inwardOne of the many of Seneca’s great quotes says “Inwardly, we ought to be different in every respect, but our outward dress should blend in with the crowd.”
Chances are there will be people you meet and immediately you can tell they have their shit together. The conversation has depth and breadth, their thoughts are inspiring, and the way they carry themselves is contagious. If you were to take a step back and think about what makes them this way it’s probably not the car they drive, the clothes they wear or how many zeros are in their bank account.
I would argue that it has more to do with the level of their own curiosity of the world, the relationships they have with others, the empathy and their ability to put themselves in other’s shoes, that creates this gravitational ora about them. In essence, it is their internal drive and spirit that projects itself outwards. Next time you are around these people, look past the clothing or external objects and ask about their mindset, routines, structure, that allows them to be who they are.